8QT in the front, 1/2cf in the middle & 1cf in the back.


Landscape Bed Mix

Availability & Pricing

  • 1 cubic foot bags available in many stores in the area (see store locator).

Our Landscape Bed Mix has been formulated to work well as a base soil for creating new landscape beds and repairing existing ones. This mix is ideal for standard landscape shrubs, trees and groundcovers.

base soil | Organic Goodness | landscape shrubs |trees | groundcovers.

Benefits for Your Plants:

  • Stronger, healthier growth: Optimal drainage and aeration prevent root rot and encourage robust root systems.

  • Enhanced nutrient uptake: Organic ingredients provide essential nutrients for vibrant foliage and blooms.

  • Reduced stress: The right soil mix helps your plants adapt to indoor environments, minimizing transplant shock and stress.

  • Long-lasting performance: This premium blend retains its structure and drainage capabilities over time.